Citizenship Ceremonies


Oberon Council hosts citizenship ceremonies to welcome our newest citizens to Australia on a regular basis. Ceremonies are hosted by the Mayor as the presiding officer. 
The ceremony allows candidates to publicly take the pledge of commitment, announcing their loyalty to Australia and its people. Candidates are then entitled to its protection and to exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens. The ceremony provides an opportunity to formally welcome new citizens into the community. These ceremonies also allow new citizens to meet their parliamentary representatives and community leaders.
Australia Citizenship is an important common bond for all Australians and lies at the heart of a unified, cohesive and inclusive Australia. It is a unique symbol of formal identification with Australia, acknowledging responsibilities and conferring substantive privileges which allow people to participate fully in the community.
For further information on how to become an Australian Citizen, please visit the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs website
To enquire about upcoming citizenship ceremonies being held in Oberon, please contact Council.